Creating your own coffee brand

How to make your own coffee brand

5 tips and some creative advice for getting into the coffee business

Welcome to the wonderful world of coffee. We know you love it here – so do we. You love it so much that you want to start your own coffee brand?! Absolutely. Let’s enhance this wonderful world with your own coffee brand. There’s lots to think about, so we’d be happy to walk you through it. We put together a guide with 6 tips on how to start your own coffee brand. We’ll also share some creative advice on how to create your own coffee brand.  

Getting into the coffee business

So, you’re getting into the coffee business. Fantastic! White Coffee has been in the industry since 1939 and we are happy to share our experience and expertise with you. You love coffee like the majority of the population, but you definitely have some extra love since you’re taking on the challenge of starting your own coffee brand. We also bet you’ve already had your morning cup, so you’re ready to get going! But before you take off into the world of coffee brands, pour yourself another cup and take some time to think about and answer these questions:

  1. What coffee products do you want to sell?

  2. Who is your target audience?

  3. How will your coffee brand be unique?

  4. What will be the price of your product?

  5. How will you maintain a customer base and customer loyalty?

Now that your second cup has kicked in and these questions only motivate you more on your quest to create your very own coffee brand, let’s spend some time sipping on each one.

How to make a coffee brand – Tip #1 – Products

A coffee brand can be made up of more than just the beans. For the first question – what coffee products do you want to sell – did you consider single cups, k-cups or pods? Will your products set you apart and keep up with the trends? Take a look at your competitors’ offerings, including online. We know we are trading questions for more questions, but it is all part of starting a coffee brand. Of course, the foundation of your new coffee brand must be a quality cup of coffee, but don’t forget to think about how you are going to sell it.

Additionally, you might want to consider expanding your offerings to more than just coffee. When your customers have more than one product to choose from, they will be more likely to make a larger purchase. For example, they buy your coffee beans but they also like your branded merchandise and pick up a cool t-shirt. Other branded products like mugs and apparel are a great way to market your coffee brand and gain more revenue. Consider supplementing your unique coffee brand with corresponding food products and other beverage options like teas, cold drinks and non-caffeinated choices. Maybe your coffee brand includes the audience of non-coffee drinkers.

This will bring us to our next coffee brand tip – your target audience. But before we move on to the next step in your plan, as you begin to create your own coffee brand, a business or marketing plan might help you stay focused and organized. You don’t want to stretch your brand too far before establishing the first and foremost goal of a quality coffee product. Start with just a few coffee products that will satisfy your target audience, like whole beans, ground coffee, cups, pods and cold brew. Once you have earned their confidence and loyalty, then start to expand and grow into other coffee branded products like mugs, coffee filters, seasonal offerings, gift cards and merchandise.

How to make my own coffee brand – Tip #2 – Audience

The quality of your coffee is paramount in the wonderful world of coffee. But with the thousands of brands and blends, and the growing number of daily coffee drinkers choosing a specialty coffee in the market, take some time to think about the audience you want to target as you work on the venture of how to make your own coffee brand. What are their taste preferences? Knowing your target audience, really taking time to think about who they are, what motivates them, what they care about, will influence almost all of your decisions when creating your coffee brand. Take time to create this customer profile including purchasing habits and demographics.

Narrowing down your audience, and creating your coffee drinking target audience, will guide you to customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. If you understand your customer, your coffee person, you can delve into their minds and hearts to create a better marketing plan and create a path to grow your coffee brand in the future. You want your customers to drink your coffee for the experience, and your coffee brand should showcase and sell that feeling. Another way to think of it – what does your target audience, and your coffee brand, stand for?

We will work with you and share our list of best practices as well as tips and tricks to increase demand and awareness of your new product.

How to make your own brand of coffee – Tip #3 – Uniqueness

You’ve decided getting into the coffee business is your dream. What makes your dream venture unique? And how will your coffee brand be unique? With so many coffee brands and products in the market, it is competitive out there. But that’s not going to stop you! Your love for the coffee world is going to fuel you for this next part of creating your own coffee brand.

Let’s get creative. Think about what makes you unique. Infuse your own personality into the brand –What’s your vibe? Fun, laid back, adventurous, classic, silly? Use your own characteristics, or your own motivations, to build the tone and feel of your coffee brand. Then think about how your logo can present your uniqueness and the qualities of your coffee. As you build your brand, some other considerations for the type of coffee you create:

-        Seasonal blends

-        Special, limited editions

-        Environmentally friendly and sustainably sourced

-        Specialty flavors

-        Premier or elite choices

As you create your own coffee brand and unique logo, White Coffee can provide package design assistance to use your own logo and artwork for your finished package. And we have an unparalleled combination of customization and brands. A creative and exclusive coffee brand can grab your coffee-loving customers attention, but, as we discussed earlier, providing a quality coffee product for the right price will also determine your success.

How to sell your own coffee brand – Tip #4 – Price

Coffee is a popular and familiar product, so it will need to be priced at market value. Until your coffee brand becomes more established, offering your coffee products and new coffee brand at the price most customers expect is where to start. This includes situations where you created a coffee brand that you believe is of higher quality than other products out there. Give your coffee brand some time to build and grow. Then when you incorporate special editions or seasonal flavors, your customers will be more willing to pay a higher price. Always pay attention to your competitors, the market, and your target audience and see what they are all up to.

How to create a coffee brand – Tip #5 – Loyalty

You’ve brainstormed about your coffee products and price, built your customer and audience profile, and created a unique and memorable coffee brand name. Now for one more aspect of your business plan – maintaining your customer base and building customer loyalty. One way, which may be the most obvious, is delivering a high-quality coffee product. At the very foundation of any successful coffee brand is a good cup of coffee. And when customers drink a good cup of coffee, they will come back for more. At White Coffee, we know beans! We’ve been importing and roasting the finest coffee for decades.

White Coffee has a long history of providing the highest quality and consistency in our branded and private label coffee products, all manufactured in our world-class, SQF-certified facilities. We built long-term relationships with many industry and category leaders, just like you will create a long-term relationship with your customers.

Some other ways to build customer loyalty:

  • Start a rewards program

  • Give out special offers or coupons

  • Connect and build a relationship with your customers through social media

  • Tell your story so customers feel connected to your brand

  • Reach out to say thank you and let them know you appreciate their business

The coffee world is ready for you

You woke up, contemplating the cup of coffee you sipped on and thought – I want to make my own coffee brand! Then you thought – but how do I start my own coffee brand? With these 5 tips and the creative brainstorming you’ve accomplished, you are on your way! White Coffee would be thrilled to partner with you on your dream venture to start a coffee brand. Learn more about our process to get your coffee brand to market, Connect, call or email us for more information and welcome to the wonderful world of coffee. We’re glad you’re here!

Jonathan White